Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers

M-14 Semi-Automatic

  1. Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers Date Of Manufacture
  2. M14 Serial Number Database

Federal Ordinance M14 info. I know it’s a low serial number (2xxx) and he is asking $1400 which seems him. A forum community dedicated to M14 and M1A Rifle. Semi-automatic version of M-14 service rifle. Constructed of a newly manufactured receiver, that has no selector and select surplus G.I. Re-finished to original specifications. Furnished with 20-round magazine. Has wood or fiberglass stock. Introduced in 1986. Although this model is a battle rifle and falls into.

Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers Date Of Manufacture

Federal Ordnance M14 Serial Numbers
  1. Federal Ordnance M14 I was gifted a Federal Ordnance M14 and would like to find out it's value if I can. I have researched it and understand that it's a higher serial number model (22,200 range) assembled with Chinese parts. I have completely disassembled it, cleaned it, and inspected it for wear.
  2. FEDERAL ORDNANCE M14 SA 7.62x51mm RIFLE Federal Ordnance model M14 SA 7.62x51mm rifle. Walnut stock, and parkerized finish. Flash suppressor installed.
  3. Sales Co., National Ordnance, Inc. And Federal Ordnance, Inc. 218 Armscorp 224 Fulton Armory 227. Appendix A: Serial Number Data for the Commercial M14 457.
Semi-automatic version of M-14 service rifle. Constructed of a newly manufactured receiver, that has no selector and select surplus G.I. parts. Re-finished to original specifications. Furnished with 20-round magazine. Has wood or fiberglass stock. Introduced in 1986. Although this model is a battle rifle and falls into the category affected by, wild price fluctuations, we have been experiencing prices for this gun staying fairly stable due to a fairly constant supply. Manufactured since 1986.

M14 Serial Number Database

Very Good$0000